Batman V Superman: 10 Reasons Why You Should Be Excited

This ain't gonna be Man Of Steel.

By Andrew Dilks /

Of all the comic book movie franchise instalments on the horizon that seem to have a really hard time of things in internet-land, it's without a doubt Zack Snyder's upcoming Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice which gets the most stick. Few comic book movies have created such intense, heated debates and online spats as the Man of Steels's upcoming face-off with the Caped Crusader. It's perhaps easy to see why: Snyder clearly divided audiences with Man Of Steel - for many it was far too dark and brooding, as if the producers were simply trying to capitalise on the success of The Dark Knight Trilogy's grit (and with Christopher Nolan on board as one of those producers this influence was always going to be there). And for all its excess of style there felt like a distinct lack of substance, not to mention a huge deficit in the sense of humour department. Still, Snyder has assured fans that Batman V Superman won't be as tied to the mythology as Man Of Steel was, while by the same token the clear references to Frank Miller's classic The Dark Knight Returns would imply that the lore that is integrated will be of the highest calibre. It's impossible to truly know just how the final movie will turn out - and Snyder's track record includes just as many misses as it does hits - but for all the negativity being passed around about Batman V Superman, particularly in the wake of the latest trailer, there are still aspects of the production to be excited about. Here are ten of those reasons - check them out and see whether or not you agree with them.
