Batman V Superman: First Photos Of Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne

On-set snaps see Batman's alter ego in Metropolis.

By Tom Baker /

Ever since the long-awaited team up film got announced, fanboys have been wondering: what exactly have Batman and Superman got to fight about? In the comic books they've gotten into tiffs over everything from ideological differences to whose sidekick is the best, but neither seems quite right for the follow up to Zack Snyder's gritty 2013 Man Of Steel reboot. Well, it looks like one particular rumour has been all but confirmed - many thought that Batman's intervention might have something to do with the big blue boy scout destroying half of his native Metropolis during the climactic fight with General Zod, as Bruce Wayne comes to pick up the pieces. Which he does in new on-set photos that just leaked!They're not hugely exciting but these new covert snaps taken on the set of Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice (it breaks our heart every time we have to type that full title) do give us our first glimpse at Ben Affleck outside the Batsuit. Looks like Bruce Wayne has turned up in Metropolis to assess the damage done to one of his Wayne Financial buildings in the city and, er, it doesn't look good. But Affleck does, with his dark hair and three-piece suit - he definitely appears more comfortable in it than Christian Bale ever did, anyway. These new pics come after local Detroit news channel WXYZ released a report on the filming which showed a similar trail of destruction left in the Man Of Steel's wake. The city doubled as Gotham in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, so it's nice they're returning for its spiritual successor, too. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice is due to hit theaters on May 6, 2016 (the same day as the next Captain America film) and boy do we hope it doesn't suck.