Batman V Superman: Michael Shannon Was Lying About General Zod

Flipper comment was "a joke".

By Simon Gallagher /

It would seem that Michael Shannon has been a rather naughty boy. With no regard for how over-excited DC fanboys (and indeed most of the blockbuster loving world) will get whenever there is new news about Batman V Superman, he's been recklessly dropping teases about his character's supposed return from the dead. The response to the biggest one - that he'd been filming mo-cap and had been wearing "flippers" - was inevitably massive. Everyone fell over themselves to add two and two and make Doomsday, but now, a new interview with Shannon has revealed that he might not actually have been telling the truth, after previously claiming he hadn't said it at all:
€œFlippers? I think that might be a prime example of my scatological humor. People ask me a lot about Batman v Superman and I really don€™t have anything to say about it, so sometimes I just make up stuff, which I€™m sure Warner Bros. is really happy about. I run for President (laughs). Uh, no, you know, I think it€™s better left unsaid. I mean, when does the movie come out? Yeah, I don€™t want to spoil it for anybody. Yeah, no comment.€
If he's been basically gagged by Warner Bros - as it seems - then it's unlikely his "joke" about the flippers is anywhere near the truth. OR, if you're a conspiracy theorist, maybe you'd prefer to suggest that Warner Bros flipped out at his spoiler and have insisted he back-tracks whenever anyone brings it up again. Fair play to him - the idea of sitting on press junkets all day answering banal questions for hours on end is the worst part of being famous. So more power to him for having fun. Unfortunately DC fanboys aren't exactly known for their sense of humour...