Batman V Superman Trailer Teaser: 11 Things You Need To See

Batman unmasked!

By Simon Gallagher /

Jimmy Kimmel Live is basically the new battleground: a week after the show debuted the first Captain America: Civil War trailer, it's set to also host the reveal of the new Batman V Superman trailer. Ahead of that, we got a sneak peak thanks to Gotham - not quite a trailer trailer, but a nice little reveal all the same. It's dark, it's moody, the tension is palpable, and it sees Superman unmasking Batman wearing his "soldier" outfit. Inevitably the theorising has been strong: the general consensus (and the smartest analysis) seems to be that we're looking at a vision designed to manipulate Batman into believing Superman is a monstrous threat. Given what we know about Lex Luthor, you have to imagine that he's behind it, but there's obviously a fairly big missing jigsaw piece... Since when could Luthor manipulate minds? Has his company developed some nefarious instrument of control? Are we going to see a side-wise nod to Scarecrow, and the revelation that Luthor has had some dealing with him? Or is this an echo of Smallville's Scare episode that saw LexCorp release a Scarecrow-like toxin of their own? All compelling ideas, and we might get more hints once the full new trailer debuts. All you need to know is Superman is super pissed, and Batman is back...

11. ...And He Can Turn His Head Again

The suit might look extremely heavy duty, but the trailer does at least confirm that Batman isn't limited to ridiculous full body turns to talk to people or fighting (a distinct disadvantage that a supposed genius would never incorporate into their armour). And again, there's further evidence both that Ben Affleck's butt-chin was made for Batman, and that his biceps and triceps look like bloody Christmas hams.