Batman V Superman Trailer Teaser Explains Why Batman's Logo Is So Fat

Obesity saves lives...

By Simon Gallagher /

It won't be long until the full last year of production on blockbuster films will be one long teaser session for upcoming trailers, pre-announcements for announcements and special unveilings of upcoming marketing slots. But then at least the new Batman V Superman sneak peak attached to the finale of Gotham was an engaging affair. Ahead of tomorrow's full trailer, we got to see what appears to be a nightmare sequence (backed up somewhat by the revelation that this version of Batman is referred to as Knightmare Batman in a toy line), featuring Bruce Wayne's ceremonial unmasking, and Henry Cavill pulling all sorts of angry faces. It's great, even if it's very brown. The best thing about it though is the revelation that Batman's comically fat chest logo - which was a point of fun when the suit was initially unveiled - serves a purpose. It's a bullet-proof chest piece, as revealed by the bullet-wound seen during the teaser. Given the bullet-holes noticed in Robin's suit, it would seem someone with access to guns really has it in for the Bat family. So now you know. Here's the teaser in full...The full trailer debuts on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight. Come back to immediately afterwards for comprehensive breakdowns, analysis and unbridled fanboying, probably. What did you think of the teaser? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.