By Matt Holmes /

Sadly one of the coolest movies of the first half of 2008 has been pushed back a month. Michel Gondry's latest film BE KIND REWIND has suffered a month's delay and will now open on February 22nd in both the U.S. and the U.K., instead of it's previously listed end of January release. The movie about two video store clerks (played by Jack Black and Mos Def) who accidentally erase all the movies in their store and decide to act out and film their own short versions of the now lost classics to rent out to customers instead will have it's premiere next month at Sundance.

One rather late in the day change is Katherine Heigl's 27 DRESSES which 20th Century Fox have pushed back a week to now go up against CLOVERFIELD on January 18th. The expected slow New Year period, along with competing against a movie they hope only fanboys will attend and a 4 day holiday weekend seem to be the big factor in the decision to delay the hideous looking chick flick. Couldn't Michel Gondry's team have not erased that movie and replaced it with showings of KNOCKED UP instead?


And finally, New Line's next fantasy epic INKHEART has been lodged from it's March 19th release date to a currently undisclosed new slot. The studio are obviously desperate to avoid another financial failure after last month's mega flop THE GOLDEN COMPASS and are no doubt conducting some rigorous research and box office predictions right now as to what best weekend they could release their movie. History would suggest June or Novemeber are the best months for fantasy, but of course those dates are usually the one's that quickly get packed up with studio tentpole releases. It's not going to be an easy task this late in the day to find a weekend not already filled with a potentially strong opening movie. source - slash film