Because there is no news on July 4th...

By Matt Holmes /

I haven't done an entry in my Top 100 movies for over two months now, mostly because I just don't have time to add another 45 minutes onto my morning slot for daily updates. No excuse I know and if I really motivated myself into doing it then I could probably manage but I haven't... so there ya go. I keep telling Peter he should delete it and brush the feature under the carpet like it never happened, just like Marvel are trying to do with Ang Lee's Hulk movie but wouldn't ya know it, according to our site statistics it's one of our most popular area's. So basically I will finish it eventually but for now, I just don't have the time. Now completely un-related to this, I was invited to nominate my own Top 100 films for a new community list that's been put together by a number of movie blogs and sites, which is to be seen as our alternative list to the AFI. Expect to see more of this around various sites across the web over the next couple of weeks. Until then though, I got the idea from Brendon at Film Ick who instead of disclosing what his Top 100 nominations were over on his site, he disclosed the directors of his Top 100 (in his list, he decided to do one film per director). So as it's July 4th and there's very little news to post about, I thought I would do something similar. So here are the directors of my top 100 nominations list. Our list actually allowed any feature film that has ever been made unlike the AFI's list which didn't include foriegn films. If your sad and totally bored, and you can try and guess what my 100 films are from the directors chosen but that's not why I have done this. I just thought it might be interesting? (note, this is a mixture of my top 100 favourite films and what I consider to be important and movies that should be recognized. So I did allow favourtism to play a part in my list but I also chose movies I consider to be the best works of cinema)...

Arnold Bertolucci Bird Burton Burton Carpenter Carpenter Chaffey Coppola (francis ford) Coppola (francis ford) Coppola (sofia) Cronenberg Crowe Darabont David Lean De Sica Donner Donner Eastwood Fellini Fincher Fincher Ford Ford Forman Capra Freidkin Freidkin Hawks Hirschbeigel Hitchcock Hitchcock Hitchcock Hitchcock Hitchcock Howard Kershner Jackson Jackson Jeunet Kubrick Kubrick Kurosawa Lang Lang Lang Lasseter Lasseter Lee Leone Leone Leone Leone Linklater Lucas McTiernan Mendes Mendes Meyer Nichols Nolan Nolan Nolan Park Polanski Raimi Raimi Ramis Reed Reitman Romero Schaffner Scorsese Scorsese Scorsese Scott (Ridley) Scott (Ridley) Scott (Ridley) Spielberg Spielberg Spielberg Spielberg Stephen Frears Stuart Sturges Sulizier Takahata Tarantino Tarantino Tarantino Tarantino Tourneur Verbinski Wachowski Brothers Walt Disney Pictures Weine Welles Welles Woo Wyler