Before The Dark Knight Rises: 5 Movies Batman Cast Wish They Could Forget

We’re pretty sure the cast of Nolan’s Batman Trilogy wish they could remove these stinkers from the everlasting time capsule that is the motion picture...

By Adam Borders /

In just over 10 days the final chapter of Christopher Nolan€™s Batman series will open in theaters. The character defining trilogy will be hard to top for certain and we all have Christopher Nolan to thank for his great care and attention in bringing Batman back to life and making it worth watching again. Still, no franchise is without flaws and while distancing itself from its preceding series as much as possible, the horrors of Batman Forever and Batman & Robin are still there to remind us of something that actors know all too well---sometimes movies are just bad. Even the highly esteemed, Oscar winning actors of Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises have starred in some stinkers over the years. In this offering, we will showcase films that we€™re pretty sure the cast of Nolan€™s Batman Trilogy wish they could take back from the everlasting time capsule that is the motion picture...

1. Shaft (2000)

In the early 2000s, on the heels of the success of the Charlie€™s Angels film reboot, many of the 70s most popular €œCop Dramas€ were adapted for film in order to cash in on the nostalgia and to bring back memories for the Disco Generation. One such film was Shaft. Starring Samuel L. Jackson in the title role, the film sought to update the 70s classic by bringing its themes into the 21st century. Future Batman Christian Bale signed on as the villain, later stating that he took the role because of the opportunity for a single fight scene with Shaft. In the end, the film received lukewarm reviews, did little to advance anyone€™s career and has basically been forgotten - along with Bale€™s fight scene which was tragically for him cut from the final film.