Behold, The Best Justice League Poster So Far

The League gets colourful...

By Simon Gallagher /

Warner Bros.

If you had any doubts that Justice League was going to be a beautiful, colourful comic book movie - even after the newest trailer landed - you should be getting the message loud and clear from the latest poster.


With less than a month until the film lands in cinemas, the poster has just been released, and it looks significantly brighter than anything released so far. And by the look of it, Warner Bros are still playing their cheeky Superman tease game, as he's been left off the team-up image once more.

What's really striking is the bold use of colours, which feel consciously dialled up to make this a more traditional superhero poster, and that's absolutely not a bad thing. If - as we've been primed to believe - Justice League marks a change in tone for the DCEU, then it makes sense that we'd get something more... cheerful.


And don't get it wrong, cheerful doesn't have to mean a compromise in drama or "adult" stakes. The two can co-exist and it looks like Justice League might just prove that.

Warner Bros.

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