Behold, The First Concept Art From Blade Runner 2

Starring snow ploughs, big screens and lots of murk.

By Simon Gallagher /

Denis Villeneuve might have the toughest job in Hollywood: following up one of the most classic movies of the 1980s, which remains as divisive for some as it is beloved for others. Luckily, he's arguably the most talented director currently working in Hollywood, and if anyone can, he can.


Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, it seems the enormity of the task isn't lost on him.

The magazine also published a couple of concept art stills, immediately evoking the spirit of the original. The aesthetic is certainly very similar. The first image shows a "Canadian's wet dream" - a hover-snow-plough.


The second image is your typical Blade Runner skyline shot, and comes with the name "Jessica" - perhaps the face on the big screen?

Here's the concept art...

Warner Bros. Pictures

Blade Runner 2 will hit cinemas in October 2017.