Ben Stiller & Reese Witherspoon in next CAMERON CROWE movie!

By Matt Holmes /

Yey, rejoice! Cameron Crowe is back, nearly three years after his most personal and subsequently mixed reviewed film ever Elizabethtown hit our screens and the fall-out led some to speculate that he had entered cinematic retirement, but thankfully Variety tell us he is about to put a movie into production.

It's a currently untitled rom-com and will shoot early next year with Ben Stiller and Reese Witherspoon. No plot details just yet but once again Crowe wrote the script for himself and will produce the movie at Columbia. Now ya'll know that Cameron is one of my favourite film-makers out there making five movies which I can relate too in nearly equal parts, one of my favourite films ever Vanilla Sky, the brilliant Almost Famous, the Billy Wilder circa 1996 movie Jerry Maguire and the cool Say Anything. I also really enjoyed his personal endeavour Elizabethtown and for someone who lived away from his father at a vital point in my life, it means a great deal to me. There's so much life to Crowe's movies, so much personality - I'm really surprised he isn't as popular as some other directors out there. And a serious Stiller and Witherspoon rom-com could turn out ok. Surprisingly they have never starred in a movie together, let's hope they have some red hot chemistry.