Biggest Films Of 2013 - The World’s End

By Luke Stevenson /

Unfortunately for people who hate everything: the world didn€™t end in 2012. And luckily for us the fact it didn€™t is going to be the source of plenty of movie footage and comedic parody over the coming news as people entertain the idea of what could have happened. The saddest example of this incoming movie flux is Seth Rogen and James Franco€™s new film This Is The End, coming out in summer which will throw as many cruse jokes as it can at your funny bone and try to make you forget the fact James Franco is one of the most dislikable men in Hollywood. Luckily for us, however, an escape arises from the writers/stars/director of Hot Fuzz and Shaun Of The Dead, who have previously given us the funniest British movie of all-time, and now attempt to outdo themselves with a yarn of friends who find themselves being the only hope for humanity. That€™s one way to escalate the stakes.

What Could Be Awesome About It:

What made Paul so forgettable, yet Shaun Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz and Scott Pilgrim vs The World so memorable? Edgar Wright. One of the most talented young directors in the world consistently brings visual flair, pace and comedic brilliance to his movies whilst coaxing career best movie performances from Michael Cera in Scott Pilgrim and his two leading stars. On top of this the burgeoning reputation of Simon Pegg and the Simon & Edgar writing partnership will mean this is the most financially backed, creatively free film they€™ve had which can only help its success when you consider what they€™ve managed to achieve with small budgets previously. Martin Freeman€™s presence will be welcomed as he can bring the comedic ability that brought him to attention in The Office and which saved parts of The Hobbit to help fill the brilliant ensemble that the film is sure to produce. Finally, it€™s always interesting to see the twist they bring to well-trodden genres. Shaun of the Dead merged rom-com with zombies. Hot Fuzz merged crime thriller with cults, countryside living and crafted a brilliant homage to the clichés that drive that genre. Scott Pilgrim brought the visual flair of a graphic novel to the big screen. Expect something fresh and new to come out of the apocalypse genre with this film, then. I personally can€™t wait.

What Could Suck About It:

It€™s been a long time since Hot Fuzz, a lot of stuff has happened in the intervening time: "gross out" comedies have become the normal at the sacrifice of any kind of wit which Wright thrives on. Frost and Pegg€™s Paul was an example of this: can they strike the same chord? A criticism I€™ve read of Hot Fuzz is that its jokes and it€™s nods to Shaun Of The Dead made it too familiar, people didn€™t appreciate homages and tributes as it came across as unoriginal. Whilst this is not a problem I had with Hot Fuzz, there is always the dreaded curse of the threequel: this is the third time they are diving in to a new genre and the third time Pegg and Frost will be in a duo leading role. Can they keep it fresh? I suppose it€™s not the end of the world if they don't.

Predicted Star Rating: 5/5

I believe the Wright/Pegg fresh style of writing will help elevate this above other more mediocre comedies, pace, wit and clever humour is something we don€™t see much anymore. This will be a welcomed release. Please read my other previews of this year's hottest films: Gangster Squad, Oblivion, Iron Man 3, The Great Gatsby, Star Trek Into Darkness, Man Of Steel, The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones.