Why does this movie interest me so little?

By Matt Holmes /

Ridley Scott's movie for 2008 (seriously this guy is on one movie a year right now) Body of Lies looks so pedestrian to me, so middle of the road. So average. There's no spark to it. Nothing that makes me go... "Yeah, I gotta see that". I'm not getting the vibe I got with American Gangster, I'm just not feeling like this is a must see movie. And for a film with Scott... with Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe that is so depressing. Why does this movie look so uninteresting? Remind yourself of the trailer here...


I even like the plot and we know William Monahan (The Departed) is one hell of a writer but this feels like Scott trying to do Michael Mann (look at the poster, it even looks like Heat) and that is not a good thing at all.

The movie opens on October 10th (U.K.) and November 21st (U.S.). At this point, the names are the ONLY thing getting me in that theatre.


source - imp