Brian K. Vaughn's new project is KING ARTHUR circa 2008?

By Matt Holmes /

Brian K. Vaughn, the creator of the brilliant comic book series Y: The Last Man and one of the producers on Lost has just made a deal with Dreamworks to bring his spec script Roundtable to the big screen. The project is described as a revisionist comedy take on King Arthur but before you can say Excalibur, it's apparently going to share more in common with Ghost Busters.

€œMerlin assembling a bunch of modern-day knights to battle a resurrected ancient evil, only to discover that today€™s knights are all washed-up athletes, cowardly scientists or Academy Award-winning actors.€
mmm, I wonder when they are going to stop going to the King Arthur well? Never been much of a fan of revisionist modern takes on classic stories, except actually the pretty cool Vertigo comic book series Fables. Not much of a fan of this concept despite liking Vaughn and movies like Ghost Busters and Excalibur but this one sounds totally out there don't it? source - /film
