BRUNO red-banded trailer!

By Matt Holmes /

Fearless is the most apt word for Sacha Baron Cohen and you kinda get that feeling that one day, he's going to run into the wrong person, on the wrong day and it's not going to turn out well for him. Well, that's if he continues this kind of mockumentary anyway, which already might be running thin on movie no. 2. Universal have this morning released the red-banded trailer for Bruno which, and I know I'm sounding so negative these days but kind of disappoints. His character doesn't seem as strong as his predecessor, his mannerisms and accent is so inconsistent, Cohen isn't as interesting or as comfortable playing him and all the jokes pretty much fall flat. Sex and the City, O.J. Simpson, dildo jokes... really? Is that the best you got, and in a red-banded trailer no less?

I still laughed though and I'm hoping that Cohen is saying the big belly rolling laughs for the cinema, which of course he should. I would love to hear what you thought of the trailer. The movie opens on July 10th in the U.S. and U.K.