Capote director tackling "The Immortalist"

By Matt Holmes /

Capote director Bennett Miller's next movie will be a character based drama titled The Immortalist. More info from Coming Soon... "Miller has set up the project, described as a contemporary, character-driven drama set in the world of life-extension, with the Paramount indie unit. Dante Harper will write the screenplay and Miller will direct". I still haven't managed to see Capote yet although I've been wanting to see it for nearly a year now. It's on my DVD rental list, so they might get round to sending it to me sometime soon. I like the sound of this movie though but to be fair the details at the moment are a bit sparse. My favourite movie of all time is Vanilla Sky and that movie deals with the notion of life extentsion, so I'm fascinated to see what Miller does with it in this movie. source - variety, coming soon