Captain America: Civil War Concept Art Shows Off Spider-Man Vs Giant Man

Remember that really old movie?

By James Hunt /

Captain America: Civil War is one of the biggest and best films of the year, and the centrepiece of the film is the airport fight scene. Bringing all the heroes together and showing off their range of powers, it was one of the most fun and exhilerating scenes you're ever likely to see in a superhero movie.


A standout moment of that was when Ant-Man, played by Paul Rudd, made the transformation into Giant Man. And then Spider-Man sets about taking him down, just like in that really old movie, The Empire Strikes Back.

Andy Park, Marvel Studios Visual Supervisor, Concept Artist for the likes of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and, of course, Civil War, and generally talented bloke, has taken to Twitter to reveal some concept art from the scene.


HolyCow is right. The concept art looks great, with a wonderful shot of Spidey webbing Giant Man right in the face, although the better part is that they were actually able to bring Park's designs to life during the movie.
