Captain America: Civil War Promo Image Reveals Black Panther's Powers

Cap's shield won't last long.

By Dan Woburn / have unearthed a piece of blurry promo art depicting a scrap between Black Panther and Captain America in the latter's threequel next year. What we've got here is an extremely strong indication of Panther's power-set and how exactly those vibranium (strongest metal on earth in the MCU, if you didn't know) claws of his match up against Cap's shield of the same material. Turns out... pretty damn well. Those are some fairly deep scratch marks. Although this is only a promotional image, it can still provide us a glimpse at what a tussle between these two will look like on screen, and it's not outside the realm of reason to believe that Panther can really take that shield apart. Especially considering he has access to the entirety of Wakanda's vibranium stockpile, and the knowhow to refine it to its deadliest form. Chadwick Boseman, who plays Panther, recently had this to say about the fictional metal;

"The vibranium is a metal that is dynamic. It can change how it€™s used. It€™s not a liquid, but it has the ability to change shape and change form and still have its strength."
Now, who do you think is going to be better equipped at turning it into a weapon? The Western powers who import it in expensive, extremely small quantities? Or the nation who discovered, stockpiled and experimented with it for hundreds of years? If you ask me, Cap doesn't stand a chance. Captain America: Civil War is released in the UK on 29th April 2016 and in the US on 6th May.
