Captain America: The Winter Solider New International Trailer - 4 Things We Learned

By James Garcia /

On April 4th Marvel Studios releases Captain America: The Winter Soldier, a film that will not only act as a sequel to The First Avenger, but act as a bridge between The Avengers and its sequel, Age of Ultron. Needless to say, a lot is riding on this movie for the studio, and if early buzz proves right, they could have another hit on their hands. The movie features Steve Rogers in the present day, working for SHIELD alongside Nick Fury and Black Widow. He soon must face a mysterious figure from his past, who is reaping havoc as the dangerous and deadly Winter Soldier. The first trailer for the film arrived last October, and until then our excitement has only been building. On Sunday Marvel released a new trailer during the Super Bowl, which WhatCulture's own Kev Stewart has written about here. Then on Monday, Marvel released another trailer, this time for international audiences: The new trailer is pretty much a mix of the one from Sunday and the intro from the first one we saw back in October, but it does offer a few pieces of new footage worth looking into. So, here are four more things we've learned about the film thanks to the new international trailer...