Chris Columbus ventures on THE LAST CAMPAIGN

Robert F. Kennedy's U.S. Presidency campaign, 82 days that inspired America.

By Matt Holmes /

Chris Columbus (Harry Potter and the Philisopher's Stone, Home Alone) will direct a movie about the 1968 Robert F. Kennedy campaign for U.S. Presidency, acquiring the film rights to "The Last Campaign: Robert F. Kennedy and 82 Days That Inspired America." The project is setup at Columbus' 1492 Productions in conjunction with Reliance Big Entertainment.

Kennedy's campaign was famously built on idealistic values of racism, poverty and putting an end to the severely unpopular Vietnam war.


Columbus will write the adaptation and may bring in a co-scribe at a later date. He has just finished filming his next movie I Love You, Beth Cooper - a comedy starring Hayden Panettiere as the hottest girl in school which is due out next year.


Michael Barnham, co-producer of the project told Variety...

"Chris was inspired by the fearlessness Robert showed in those 82 days," Barnathan said.


Such fearless included Kennedy's impromptu speech wide in the open immediately after he heard the news of the assassination of one of his great personal icons, Martin Luther King.

Most recently, Emilio Estevez directed an ensemble movie surrounding the death of Kennedy with the 2006 drama Bobby.
