Clerks 3 - Kevin Smith Begins Work On The Script

By Thom Bruce /

Clerks is a well observed film in the sorts of circles we're used to here at What Culture. No, not stoner circles - though I can't speak for my fellow writers or our editors - but we're big on movies and Clerks is a film often noted. The original is celebrated as not only the film which launched Kevin Smith's career but as a sterling example of micro-budget cinema and the 'talky movie'. You'll forgive me then for being a little excited that Smith has announced that he's gotten to work on the third in the series. It isn't, strictly speaking, the first we've heard of Clerks III. Smith has alluded to it in the past. As recently as February, the director told us Clerks III would first return as a book. In December, he tweeted to say it would be a film and that it would be his last as writer/director. And long before that, almost one whole year ago, he told Entertainment Weekly about plans to take it to Broadway. It seems that Smith has been uncertain of Clerks' and his own fate for a long while now. That is, until Friday morning... At 4:20 on Friday morning, Kevin Smith describes how he jumped out of bed and, without plan, began writing Clerks III. If the time seems familiar, it's because 4:20 is a pretty big deal in pot culture. The origins are debated, but it's now a time when stoners the world over blaze up on an afternoon after a hard day of work, school or slacking. It's a fitting time to set to work on a film which is largely about the latter. Clerks is the definitive slacker comedy, and Smith seems pretty certain that he's outdone himself with the third instalment, claiming it will be the best film he ever makes.
THE BEGINNING OF THE END 20 years ago today, we started shooting CLERKS. 20 years later, with no plan or provocation, I jumped out of bed at 4:20 this morning and started writing CLERKS III. It's been like hanging out with old friends. And after 2 hours of tapping the keys and giggling, I have come to a conclusion... CLERKS III will be the best film I'll ever make.
Smith told fans via Facebook of the sudden "beginning of the end" early on Friday, and posted a glimpse at the script's front cover to whet our appetites.