Cohen rules out Borat sequel

By Matt Holmes /

Borat became one of the surprise hits of last year, not only commercially but critically as well. Ever since it finished it's theatrical run, fans have been demanding a sequel but it looks unlikely that it will happen anytime soon. Collider spoke to Sacha Baron Cohen and asked him whether he has any plans to play the man from Kazakhstan anytime soon...

Not at this stage. Much as I would love to see the yellow thong out again (the room erupts in laughter) and the handlebar mustache.
Don't worry though guys, Cohen is currently out filming an unofficial Borat sequel known as Bruno. This time he plays a homosexual Austrian fashion show presenter in a role that has bagged him twice as large a budget ($42 million) at Universal as Borat did. No surprise there won't be a quick follow-up to Borat. It's really difficult to imagine anyone being fooled into believing he is a real guy after the mainstream success of the character and film. Indeed, it will be interesting to see if he can get the same kind of reactions with Bruno because he's going to be a lot more recognizable now than he was a year ago. Still I'm sure there's a lot of dumb people in the world if you look hard enough. source - slash film
