Cool Stuff: DEXTER'S Victims

By Matt Holmes /

I still haven't seen an episode of Showtime's Dexter. To me, it always looked like a sillier, low-brow version of American Psycho that doesn't have a concept that lends itself to a long-running series but clearly I'm an idiot because almost everyone I know loves it, and well it has been running for five successful seasons now with a sixth already on the way. I will admit that this graphic has me interested in checking out the show. Shahed Syed, a New Jersey-based graphic artist has created this illustration showcasing the many victims Dexter can make claim to and how they were slaughtered over the six episodes to date. Clearly there's spoilers in this thing and having never seen an episode, I should know. Full resolution version, HERE. via - Collider Cool Stuff: A regular feature at OWF showcasing a product, film or basically something cool which we think is interesting, informative and/or fun. If you have any ideas for this feature, make sure you e-mail us!