Cool Stuff: Mondo's STAR WARS Trilogy Posters

By Matt Holmes /

To cap off Mondo's recent Star Wars celebratory poster series, artist Tyler Stout has created six stunning final posters of George Lucas' much loved space opera trilogy. The original trilogy, of course. The posters are for Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi (plus variants of all three) and they will go on sale this Friday, New Year's Eve, at a random time so you need to follow twitter closely to make sure you don't miss out on these limited editions posters. The really cool thing about this batch (including the variants) is Tyler has had the foresight to appreciate the large demand and has ordered a sizeable print run - 850 copies of the regular are available and 275 of the variants, the largest single run Mondo has ever done. The regulars will cost you $50 each, the variants double that but personally I'm always more of a fan of the original colouring. Here's the normal prints... And the variants... Cool Stuff: A regular feature at OWF showcasing a product, film or basically something cool which we think is interesting, informative and/or fun. If you have any ideas for this feature, make sure you e-mail us!