David Cronenberg on TIME CRIMES?

Canadian auteur to direct his first remake since The Fly?

By Matt Holmes /

This Time Crimes project keeps coming up and it's getting more and more fascinating each time we talk about it. You may remember back in January we told you about the Spanish movie which had been picked up for a remake by U.A. in a big money deal - a flick that has been compared to something that Phillip K. Dick might have written. It was actually written and directed by young Spaniard Nacho Vigalondo and it revolved around a guy whose time machine travels him back in time nearly an hour and the disasters that occur because of it. Basically it sounded 100 times awesome. Now it sounds 1000 times awesome. Vigalondo has revealed that David Cronenberg is in the running to direct!!

That's all they have. No more details. Cronenberg - time travel - the potential of Tom Cruise (he runs U.A. so if he wants to do it, he will) starring - from the writer of Children of Men - from the producer of American Gangster. Does it get any better than that?

And let's hope the original damn film gets a good theatrical release like my favourite movie of the year - the incredible Spanish horror The Orphanage managed to secure. source - twitch