David Goyer no longer making The Flash

By Matt Holmes /

I may just call this day CRAZY SATURDAY. We have long gestured projects scrapped from directors and some lusted after projects getting the CGI treatment. David Goyer has revealed on his blog that that he is no longer writing or directing The Flash for Warner Brothers. Full statement from Goyer's blog.. "Well, I've been waiting a few months to relate this news -- but I am sad to say that my version of The Flash is dead at WB. The God's honest truth is that WB and myself simply couldn't agree on what would make for a cool Flash film. I'm quite proud of the screenplay I turned it. I threw my heart into it and I genuinely think it would've been the basis of a ground-breaking film. But as of now, the studio is heading off in a completely different direction. I expect you'll hear of some new developments on that front shortly......But in happier news, I'll soon be able to report on what I've been doing INSTEAD of The Flash. Stay tuned". So much like Joss Whedon, Goyer and Warner Brothers couldn't quite come to terms on thier respective visions for their DC Superhero characters. And like Whedon, Goyer is trying to put a brave face on things by claiming he has a big and exciting projects on the horizon instead of WB blockbuster. So what could his next project be? We know he is suppose to be writing a Thor and Captain America movie for Marvel, could it be one of those? You can see Goyer's next movie The Invisible in April but if you remember my thoughts on the trailer weren't all that encouraging. source - coming soon, goyer's blog