David Yates Says He's Not Making THE STAND Because It Should Be TV Mini-Series
"I could see making a miniseries from it, a really interesting, intricate, layered, enjoyable long-burn of a miniseries, I could see that, but what was missing for me were the big movie moments in the material, the big set pieces.”

I was offered The Stand. I love The Stand, I read it when I was a kid, it was one of my favorite books when I was growing up, I love Stephen King, I think hes a remarkable writer. And coming out of Potter, you wanna work with an author who has the same reach as a Jo Rowling, and frankly Stephen King does. My issues though were about the adaptation. I wanted to work with Steve Kloves, Steve Kloves wanted to work with me, we were both committed to doing it, but in that time it took to let go of Potter and to think about how we would tackle the adaptation, we both decided that it wasnt for us, so we left it. We sort of withdrew basically.They quit basically when the undertaking of bringing The Stand films to life became too overwhelming. They of course aren't the first to have suffered this problem. J.J. Abrams was once keen on bringing King's other sci-fi/horror epic The Dark Tower to the big screen but after spending much more time on it (around two years) he too came to the conclusion that it was simply too daunting a task. Yates continues;
What I love about Kings work and what I love about The Stand is the fact that Stephen King really puts you into these peoples lives, and you see the world from a very intimate human level, which normally is something I love. But we felt this pressure to make these super tentpole movies with this material, and the things that you get in Potterwhich are these extraordinary episodes of actionthey didnt exist in the material, and I was worried I wouldnt be able to deliver the kind of movie that ultimately the studio was hoping to get from this material. I could see making a miniseries from it, a really interesting, intricate, layered, enjoyable long-burn of a miniseries, I could see that, but what was missing for me were the big movie moments in the material, the big set pieces.Clearly then if The Stand was a t.v. mini-series again he would have been all over it but he struggled to see the cinematic way of telling the story and he bailed.