DC Cinematic Universe: 10 Small Moments That Would Make A Huge Impact

Little inclusions in DC movies that would send fans wild.

By K.J. Stewart /

A few months ago, here at WhatCulture.com, we published an article about ten small moments that would make a big impact in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The article included things like seeing a S.H.I.E.L.D. logo in the background in a space scene or Captain America lifting Mjolnir (something that, as it turns out, may actually be happening in next year's Avengers: Age of Ultron) - you know, things that aren't necessarily epic action sequences or huge storylines from the comics, but which would make audiences react in a big way due to it being a nod to the comics or another source, something that indicates a future occurrence or just because it's completely awesome. So what about DC? Their cinematic universe is expanding now, with the Batman Vs Superman movie bringing the two biggest superheroes in fiction together on the big screen for the first time and also including characters like Lex Luthor, Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Aquaman. If that universe is developing, the number of potential nods to and inclusions from other sources is just as big as Marvel's and, as a result, some small inclusions that would really send the fans wild are more than possible. In this article, we're going to take a look at just a few of them. Here are ten small moments that would make a huge impact in the DC Cinematic Universe (note that there are a couple of potential spoilers for Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice in this article - at least based on some of the rumours that have been doing the rounds)...