DC Cinematic Universe: 5 Other Team-Ups Fans Want To See

By James Garcia /

As every geek on the planet is well aware, Batman and Superman will be sharing the screen together in the summer of 2015. The film is tentatively titled Batman Vs Superman, is being written by David S. Goyer and will be directed by Zack Snyder. It will act as a sequel to this year's Man of Steel and (hopefully) open the door for a DC universe on film. All eyes are on DC now as they trail behind the wild success that Marvel Studios has enjoyed after creating their cinematic universe; which began with Iron Man in 2008 and culminated last year in record-breaking fashion with The Avengers. As Marvel continues with Phase 2 of their film plans, fans everywhere are asking, "When is DC going to make Justice League?" The debate on exactly how Warner Brothers and DC should approach a Justice League film is a topic for another article. There have been countless blog posts and debates about fan speculation and wild rumors for years now, and I've decided to shift the focus a bit. The prospect of seeing Superman and Batman going head-to-head in 2015 is exciting, and if done right will be a monumental step forward for the timid studio. Team-ups have been a staple in comics history for decades, and it only makes sense that, at the height of its popularity, the superhero film genre may adapt this method as well. I've compiled a list of 5 other DC Comics team-ups that fans would like to see up on the big screen...