Did Avengers: Infinity War Writers Just Accidentally Confirm Rocket Raccoon?

One more for the melting pot...

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

Having basically already confirmed that Star-Lord is going to appear in Infinity War, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have been at it again, this time offering a tantalising hint that he won't be the only Guardian Of The Galaxy who will be appearing in the Phase 3 event.


It was already pretty safe to assume that the majority of the existing characters in the MCU would be united for Thanos' big moment - though the writers and directors have both said fairly recently that they don't have to use everyone just because they're alive. But the question of the least human members of the Guardians was always an intriguing one: how the Avengers would interact with someone like Drax or Groot isn't as easy a question as you might think.

In that respect, it would have been safer to simply use Star-Lord and make the others unavailable for some reason (which also comes with the added bonus of keeping the CGI costs down). But now it seems at least Rocket Raccoon might have been confirmed.


In an interview with The Verge , Markus may have let slip that the little guy would be set for a part. When asked about writing different comic book characters, Markus had this to say...

Also, whether they€™re a 12-foot purple guy, or a raccoon, or an android, they€™re all people, and we€™re going to write them as people. You can€™t write them any other way. So, ideally it will stay grounded because you€™ll completely understand why the characters are doing what they€™re doing, and you will in some way or another empathize.

Maybe he's just talking broadly? But it seems an awful coincidence that they're working on the scripts for the two-part Avengers movie (which will be renamed before we get to see it) and he would just pluck Rocket out of the air alongside two characters as key to the film as Thanos and Vision.


James Gunn confirmed at the weekend that he knew what was happening with the Guardians, even if he refused to admit it to fans watching a Facebook Q&A session. Maybe this is what he already knows? The director also took to Twitter to confirm that Kurt Russell has finished shooting his part in the Guardians sequel...


Would you be excited to see Rocket Raccoon in Infinity War? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.