Did You Spot The New Alien Tucked Away In The Star Wars: The Force Awakens Second Teaser?

An Oscar winner on the very edge of frame.

By Brendon Connelly /

There's a lot going on in the second trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Han Solo shows up, we hear Luke Skywalker talking and... well, where was Leia? This hardly seems fair. And then there's the new characters, including our first face-on look at Kylo Ren and a quick appearance by "Chrome Stormtrooper" Captain Phasma. But perhaps the most interesting character in this new teaser, at least at this stage, is the one hardly glimpsed at all. You have to pause the video to get any kind of look at her face, and even then it's hard to know exactly what you're looking at. In the shot where somebody is handing a lightsaber to Rey - and if that's not Vader's lightsaber then take away my nerd card and throw it on the fire - we don't get to see much of the character at all - the face of that character appears just on the edge of frame. This, I'm told by people with at least some knowledge of what was shot last summer, is the character played by Lupita Nyong'o, the Oscar-winning actress from 12 Years a Slave. In various online reports her character has been called Rose, though I have to admit I'm pretty sceptical about that and expect it's very possibly a codename of some kind. "Rose" is an alien - I guess everybody is Star Wars is an alien, but you know what I mean - and while they're keeping her look under wraps now, I'm sure we'll get to see it later when all of the colouring books and calendars flood the market. It seems that he face is CG, though the rest of her is Lupita's own self with some prosthetic or animatronic additions, though those can't be seen in the freeze frame. Do notice how low to the ground she is, though. Daisy Ridley is not a tall girl but she's towering over "Rose." Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be with us on December 18th. I'm expecting the highest box office gross of any movie in the history of cinema, and hoping that it at least partly lives up to such excitement.