Disney: 14 Most Devastating Deaths - Ranked

What does Disney have against parents?

By Sara Weir /

Disney acknowledges that its main audience is children and, naturally, the company try their hardest to spread cheer and joy to as many people as they can across the world. Let's face it, have you ever seen someone unhappy in Disneyland? Exactly. But, as much as Disney films are predominantly for children, they contain a lot of adult themes - and there is no theme more grown up than the cold withered hand of death. As a child, it's hard to understand the concept of someone dying and losing a someone; one day they're there and the next they're not. But when you're an adult, it's all too apparent just how brutal Disney's deaths actually are. Unless you're a psycho, you're rooting for the bad guy to get their comeuppance, but that doesn't mean that they should always pop their clogs or get killed off in such a graphic manner. But alongside the bad guys, Disney kill off a lot of the parents, leaving the children to fend for themselves and leaving the audience crying into their popcorn.

14. The Hun Army - Mulan

With any war, each side can expect casualties. But no one foresaw Mulan creating an avalanche that would take out almost 2,000 Hun soldiers. This scene is probably the one of the most horrific in terms of its death toll; it's definitely the highest number of people ever killed in one Disney movie and Mulan doesn't even seem to regret it. To her, they are the enemy, but they're also just serving their duty that they've been called upon to do, just like her father was. Mulan is both a soldier and a mass murderer and it's not as if all of those soldiers died on impact of the falling snow. They would have been buried alive, starved of oxygen and it would have taken some of them a long time to actually die. But it hardly matters because the audience is Team Mulan, right?