Disney+ Vs Netflix: Which Is Better?

Has Disney+ dethroned Netflix as the king of streaming services? Let's break it down!

By Kevin McCasland /

When Disney+ was announced, everyone was prepared for the proper Netflix killer to arrive. After all, this is Disney we're talking about, the king of Hollywood and the global box office, as well as the owner of the films that made many people's childhoods. Add on the recent acquisition of Twentieth Century Fox, and suddenly Netflix had a worthy challenger.


Well, that's what everyone thought initially, but has this come true? While The Mandalorian was a great hit, the service hasn't really taken off like expected.

There's a considerable wealth of family-friendly animated classics and a promising array of future exclusive shows within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but there are still question marks about the platform. Between several instances of censorship, the complete botch job with porting over The Simpsons (due to be amended later this year), and many Disney products not being available until 2021 at the earliest, Disney+ has given many subscribers some cause for concern.

Does that mean Netflix is doing leagues better? Not exactly, but with Disney+ nearing the completion of its full international roll out, it seems right that we analyze the king of streaming services against the platform that would supposedly unseat it.

How do the two compare at this stage of the game? Let's break it down.

6. The Price

When deciding on which streaming service you're dishing out monthly payments to, price is the first thing to address. As many are acutely aware, Netflix has raised its monthly subscription fee recently. This has led to some division amongst subscribers, causing some to threaten cancellations if the price increases continue. Disney+, on the other hand, launched at an extremely competitive price, bringing plenty of interested parties on board and even some previously on the fence.


So to quote everybody's dad after getting the dinner bill, 'What's the damage?'

Disney+ can be yours for a once a month payment of $6.99 or $69.99 for the year. That plan gives you simultaneous viewing on four separate screens with 4K and UHD support at no extra charge. In comparison, Netflix has three separate plans: Basic, Standard, and Premium. Basic is $8.99 and limits you to one screen with no HD. The Standard plan at $12.99 gives you two usable screens with HD. Finally, Premium gives you four screens playing at the same time with 4K and UHD options for $15.99.

If there's any category Disney+ is crushing compared to Netflix, it's the cost. Four screens + 4K at $7 with no ads (currently) can't be beaten.

Winner: Disney+
