By Arvindh /

The last time Pixar made a superhero-themed movie, they gave us The Incredibles, which to me is their finest work next to the Toy Story trilogy. This time around, however, Pixar seem to be more interested in digging-up source material from their very vast and ever-growing library that is Marvel's, which Disney acquired last year. More specifically, Pixar wants to bring Dr.Strange to the big screen, in a big way, and in full CGI like all their other movies! Or at least that's how the probably untrue rumour goes. This interesting tidbit comes via British comicbook artist Brendan McCarthy, who revealed to Bad Librarianship that he was recently €œ€ over in Hollywood earlier this year mooching about, and I had a meeting at Disney and the conversation drifted around to Pixar animating a Dr. Strange movie.€ Those who have kept track with the character should know that Marvel have wanted to bring Strange and all his mystical powers to the big screen for quite a while now. Three months ago they hired Conan writers Thomas Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer for the cinematic adaptation of the good doctor. But as far as we understand, that was for a live-action adaptation... so what's this of Pixar's involvement? Well, we can only guess they are creatively advising Marvel Studios in the same way they gave their cultured advice to Tron Legacy and the forthcoming Muppet Movie earlier this year. That's all. Doctor Strange is very much a character they want to keep in their live action universe, the one they are building for The Avengers. Having said that, we would be delighted if we were wrong in this assumption. I think a Dr.Strange flick by Pixar is the best thing that can happen to the property. Pixar with all their CGI expertise, will be able to tell a Dr. Strange story the way it needs to be told. The studio is industry-renowned for its character-development and story-driven ideas, plus with all their resources, I think they'd make a great Dr. Strange film that packs everything from deep characters, heavy storylines, awesome visuals, and the occasional humor into its final result. What more could fans ask for? Sure, a live-action film done right would be great by all means, but really, how many of those have genuinely lived-up to the general expectations? Didn't you see the trailer for Thor? Pixar is already heading into uncharted territory as we speak with their John Carter Of Mars adaptation. The sci-fi story somewhat steps away from the Pixar norm of always having cute, cuddly, and adorable monsters / toys / lead characters. As for the Dr. Strange film, it's really too early to tell if it'll come into fruition, live action or not. It's already been bumped by Iron Fist as the next new character adapted since the Disney deal. Photo Credit: COLLIDER - It was simply too perfect not to post.