Doctor Strange: Incredibly Cool Dormammu Concept Designs Surface

Here's what we could have won...

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

Though Doctor Strange was excellent and pretty much the most artistically dazzling Marvel movie released to date, there was one thing that wasn't exactly universally adored about its ending and design. The work that went into epic villain Dormammu might have been striking, certainly, but it left a lot to be desired and it felt a lot like the artists had taken a formidable looking villain from the comics and declawed him somewhat.


Sure, we're unlikely to see such a villain in any other comic book movies, but wouldn't it have been nice to see the iconic flaming head version of the villain we're so used to as fans of the comics? Was that too much to ask, even with the ominous spectre of Ghost Rider lurking around in the back of everyone's minds?

Well, thanks to one concept artist employed by Marvel on the film, it seems we almost did get a more conventional take on the supremely powerful being. Artist Jerad Marantz has revealed the designs on his ArtStation profile, showing off some even more imaginative versions of the character. The best of the alternatives is definitely the flaming head, but each would probably have been more interesting than the giant corduroy face we actually got.


Here's a couple of the designs he posted...


Check out more of his concept work here.


What do you think? Would these Dormammu designs have improved Doctor Strange? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.