Does Joker Have A Post-Credits Scene?

Is it worth staying after the credits?

By Simon Gallagher /

Warner Bros.

Now that Joker is in cinemas, fans will no doubt start to wonder what comes next. Sure, we've been told already that this is a stand-alone and not a franchise movie, but the way the movie ends does suggest there could be potential for more in the same timeline.


There is particularly scope for this to lead into a Batman movie, given that it gives us enough of a variation on Bruce Wayne's early life (without spoiling too much here) to set up something else. But whether we will see it or not remains to be seen.

Some fans had suspected that we would actually see Batman in a post-credits scene, so will be interested, no doubt to know whether there's anything after the credits worth waiting for.


The bad news for those people is that NO, Joker does not have a post-credits scene at all. The film does hint of more to come - and let's hope Warner Bros can pull it off - but there's nothing after the trailers explicitly setting up more.

Are you excited for Joker? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.
