Does The Justice League Soundtrack Have A Green Lantern Tease?!

Maybe Alfred WASN'T talking to Superman...

By Simon Gallagher /

DC Comics

Most of the talk around Justice League's big potential reveals have focused on Superman coming back to life and joining the team to help take down Steppenwolf and thwart Darkseid's attack on Earth. It's safe to assume that by the end of the movie, there will be six fully functioning Justice League members, and the trailer made very purposeful strikes to suggest that there definitely wouldn't be a seventh from the Green Lantern Corps.


But then, if that really is the case, why is there a hint of a seventh member on the Justice League soundtrack?

Thanks to some snooping by Imagine Dragons fans on Reddit, the track list for the upcoming super-ensemble has been revealed, and there's a nod in the band's contribution to the soundtrack that suggests the mysterious seventh will indeed show up.


Why else would their song be called Unite The Seven?


IMDB - where the listing originally appeared - have apparently since deleted the listing, but not quickly enough for fans to miss it.

This has to be a nod to the Green Lantern's appearance, but the question is now which Lantern it would be. We already know that the plan with the Green Lantern Corps movie is apparently to have Hal Jordan playing the veteran figure with a younger sidekick in the shape of John Stewart, but clearly both of them can't turn up. Because, as maths tells us, that makes 8.


So will we see a backdoor introduction for Jordan, who is presumably known to Bruce Wayne given the mention in the trailer, that will then spin-off into the Corps movie? It would make sense (and it would go some way to atoning for the fact that the big Superman resurrection "secret" has been spoiled ever since the production kicked off).

You just have to wonder how the hell Warner Bros could have kept the casting secret...


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