Does this poster convince us to pay SEVEN POUNDS to see Will Smith's next movie?

By Matt Holmes /

£6.80 is the peak adult price at my local cinema (I say local, but I live so far out of the city that it's a 45 minute drive, making any trip to the cinema an expensive venture), so usually I need to really wanna see a movie to even contemplate whether I should make that kind of trek. Slapping Will Smith's big face on the poster, isn't really enough. Now I know that SEVEN POUNDS has a great plot and trailer, and comes from the terrific director of Smith's THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS but your really not selling that to anyone here with this marketing campaign, for a movie that is out in just five weeks time. The uplifting drama stars Smith as Ben Thomas, a wealthy businessman who decides to dedicate his life to changing the circumstances of seven strangers who he believes deserves his help. I loved the trailer, which I posted again as well as the full poster after the jump... Basically if you loved PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS as much as I did, I think we are getting the same kind of thing here and a dodgy poster won't sway your decision. If it weren't for sites like this telling you the movie should be good, you would simply walk straight past this poster in your theatre or ignore it in your newspaper. SEVEN POUNDS opens Dec. 19th (U.S.) and Jan. 16th (U.K.)
