DRIVE ANGRY 3D UK Trailer Is Prime Cage Rage!

By Neil Upton /


I love it when Nicolas Cage is let loose on screen. I mean really let loose. Sometimes you get genuinely brilliant craziness in Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans and sometimes you get just plain crazy like The Wicker Man. But for me, even in the latter he's bloody entertaining.

He's back again here in Drive Angry and all the hallmarks of a the lunatic Cage are there, the twitchy overacting and funny wig, etc - but this time you get to see him do it in three dimensions, for what looks like a 'leave your brain in the lobby' supernatural actioner. Check out the craziness of the best Grindhouse trailer that was not attached to Rodriguez/Tarantino's movie below...

Cage Plays Milton, a man who breaks out of Hell to find the cult that killed his daughter before they sacrifice her baby. The devil sends 'The Accountant' William Fichtner to bring him back. He's helped along the way by the lovely Amber Heard (Pineapple Express). All under the watchful eye of My Bloody Valentine 3D director Patrick Lussier. Just a straight up, unapologetic slice of trashy fun. Perfect for livening up a dreary winter's evening when its released on 18th February 2011.