EAGLE EYE writer ready to pitch BLADE RUNNER 2???

By Matt Holmes /

Travis Wright, one of the co-writers of the current U.S. No. 1 box office hit EAGLE EYE has told the world during a Q & A session for Creative Screenwriting Magazine that he has been writing, without studio guidance, a sequel to Ridley Scott's classic science fiction film BLADE RUNNER. And this isn't just a recent thing, Wright has been working on this for years alongside his EAGLE EYE co-scribe John Glenn with the most amazing aspect of it all being that Bud Yorkin, the producer of the original classic is also on board. Though since the news broke, co-writer Glenn has insisted he is no longer on board and that the trio tried to do the sequel some years back but scrapped the project when they realised how dumb it was to make a sequel to a perfect film. So unless Wright and Yorkin are trying again, the project was dead long before we ever new about it. Wright had (or could still be?) also been working with pre-visualization teams in an attempt to get as much impressive material for a portfolio so that when it came time to pitch the quite shocking idea of a sequel, they will be able to seduce Warner Bros. with what their vision could be. Also, rather intriguing is the fact that Wright and Glenn are attached to write THE WARRIORS remake for Tony Scott, who of course just so happens to be the brother of Ridley Scott. So there is most certainly a connection there. Now, I find it extremely hard to imagine that Ridley Scott would endorse a sequel to possibly his most lauded film ever BUT you will remember he allowed it for ALIENS and James Cameron. And that turned out pretty well didn't it? Though yes, I am clutching at straws for any positives on this one but thankfully I don't think I need to. It sounds like the project is now like "tears in the rain". source - /film
