Emily Blunt in IRON MAN 2?

By Matt Holmes /

Variety are now posting rumors. So bare this in mind, this is not an official confirmation. But anyway, the trade industry publication say uber hot and uber talented Brit actress Emily Blunt from THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (and if it ever gets released Universal's THE WOLF MAN), is the front runner to play Black Widow in IRON MAN 2. Real name Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow is a soviet super spy who wears a skintight black costume that is enhanced by high-tech weaponry. Only in the comics eh? She would be the femme fatale of the picture and would join Sam Rockwell and Mickey Rourke (pending expected contract agreements) as the third new nemesis for Downey Jr's Stark. svblunt_narrowweb__300x4650 And the red-headed character in comic book form looks like this and if you know her arc, it could be a big setup for future movies... widow060606 Presumably they are also considering Rachel McAdams, another red-head who I remember being considered for the role of Pepper Potts before Gwyneth Paltrow won the part. Not quite sure what's going on out there with IRON MAN 2 and Marvel at the moment. Director Jon Favreau, who was so talkative when he was making the original IRON MAN, hasn't said a word about the dismissal of Terrence Howard (to be replaced by Don Cheadle) and nor has he spoke about the Samuel L. Jackson situation which Ray reported on today. My opinion? Well it kinda sucks that Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury won't be able to grow into the next picture as I was liking the big arc they were creating but man, in these economically poor times, you kinda can't feel sorry for Big Sam who would be paid millions for what would be the typical motherfucking "walk on part" for him. Love who Favreau has cast so far. Blunt, Rockwell, Rourke and Cheadle... and the word that Tim Robbins might be playing Stark's father. I'm loving this build-up right now!
