Emily Blunt joins Russell Brand's GET HIM TO THE GREEK!

By Matt Holmes /

The highly in demand British actress Emily Blunt has landed the female love interest role in Get Him to the Greek, the Forgetting Sarah Marshall comedy spin-off that stars Russell Brand (as Aldous Snow) and Jonah Hill (as his lakey). Hill and Brand who had so many laughs together in last year's Judd Apatow produced comedy, will re-team on a road-trip from London to Los Angeles, where Snow is set to perform at the Greek Theatre. From the sounds of things, Hill plays a music executive who talks his way into accompanying Brand, and is not reprising his role as the waiter from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Blunt will play a pop musician, who may duet with Brand on stage. Blunt has fantastic comedy timing and is a major coup for the picture. Nicollas Stoller is once again directing and from the looks of things the movie will feature cameo's from famous popstars, including Christina Aguilera, Pink and Katy Perry. Forgetting Sarah Marshall was probably my guilty pleasure movie of last year and I thought Brand was terrific... but this time he's the lead and starring opposite Blunt could show him up if he's not at the absolute top of his game. source - moviehole, the sydney morning herald
