Exclusive: Police Academy 8 Will Mark "Edgy" Reboot Of Entire Series

Get out the champers. Mahoney might be back on patrol sooner than we thought!

By Brad Williams /

To quote the great Commandant Lassard, it has been "many, many wonderful" years since the original 'Police Academy' was released. From those days of risqué humour, walking one man sound effects and 'Carry On' style antics, grew a franchise that just refused to die. Some instalments were fun whilst others were nearly unwatchable, but still Mahoney and Co held a special place in American culture. Whatever way you look at it, the 1984 original was a huge success and earned over $80 million at the box office, meaning a modern continuation was always inevitable. We heard news a while back that newbie director Scott Zabielski was directing some sort of sequel, but things have been quiet for a very long time. In a recent exclusive interview with film composer Robert Folk, WhatCulture has discovered that the long gestating Police Academy 8 film will in fact be a reboot of the entire series! Not only that but it looks as though the series might well be making a comeback much sooner than we thought!
"They are thinking of it as, too coin the overused term, a €˜reboot€™. That is how they are looking at it, as doing the whole series all over again for a new generation of that target audience." Folk confirmed. "It is a lot of fun. I have seen about half a dozen test shots, and they are trying to establish a certain style of visualizing the film and a certain style of casting. Those test shots were hilarious. I would say that the director is extremely young and very edgy; I am convinced that he is going to come up with something that has a lot of raw humour."
When asked if the film would be more in line with recent reboots such as the hilarious surprise hit '21 Jump Street', Folk replied;
"Yeah I think so, and maybe even go further out. It will be a lot of fun."
This all sounds well and good, but this wouldn't have been the first time 'Police Academy: whatever you call it' has been talked up but then died down again; it is starting to feel like this is turning into another 'Ghostbusters 3'-type saga. But apparently, things could be moving by the end of the summer! According to Folk, "It is a Warner Brothers New Line project, and they are doing a very final tweak on the script right now and I am pretty sure they will probably announce a green light on the project by September; that€™s my guess." Earlier this month it was reported that The Break-Up writer Jeremy Garelick had signed on to conduct re-writes for the film, taking over where David Diamond and David Weissman left off. So there you go, expect some sort of official news by early Autumn. I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty stoked about this news. What do you think? In them meantime, lets celebrate with a classic scene from The Blue Oyster Bar; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdbt-sx5MDc&feature=youtu.be The rest of the Robert Folk interview will be posted on WhatCulture very soon - and its a great read. So watch this space.