Favreau says no cameos in Iron Man?

By Matt Holmes /

Director Jon Favreau has updated his Myspace page to talk about those pesky rumors of cameo's in Iron Man...

I've read that Sam Jackson and Hilary Swank are Shield agents and that I myself play a Vegas security guard. There is no truth to any of these rumors. (Well, maybe one is true.)
Gotta believe the Jon Favreau cameo is the true one and the Hilary Swank and Samuel L. Jackson reports were either fabricated or stretched rumors. A shame really as I thought that Jackson as Nick Fury could pop in and out of so many different Marvel movies in the future and really make his appearance carry some weight in each one. Favreau also tells us to expect a big presence for Iron Man at the Comic-Con later this month. Could we get our first look at the trailer perhaps?
