First Look At Jack Whitehall's Bad Education Movie

Film spin-off of the Brit TV sitcom started filming this week.

By Brendon Connelly /

The feature-length, more expensive and extra-expansive movie version of Bad Education started shooting on February 24rd, and I have just been sent the first image from the set. You can see it in full below. Like episodes of the TV show, the movie has been written by Jack Whitehall and Freddy Syborn and directed by Elliot Hegarty. The same cast are on board too, with Whitehall, the kids, Sarah Solemani and Harry Enfield all appearing. And in the tradition of sitcoms-turned-movies, the story is about a trip of some kind. In this case, the cast decamp to Cornwall - less expensive than The Inbetweeners' Magaluf, perhaps, and certainly less glitzy than Sex and the City 2's Dubai, but somewhere I'd far rather go on my holidays. All we know of the plot so far is that it's about a nightmare school trip staged as "one last hurrah" for Alfie and his students after they've completed their GCSEs. In truth, there are probably laws that prevent teachers from doing this kind of thing, but let's go with it. Alfie can be bad news but he's not Operation Yewtree bad news. Whitehall provided a comedy quote for the press release, saying "€œIt's very exciting to be bringing Bad Education to the big screen. It's great to be reunited one last time with my amazing class of kids before they get ripped apart by puberty. We wanted this film to be about the mother of all school trips but sadly the Cumberland Pencil Museum wouldn't let us film there so we have gone for Cornwall instead.€ There's no set release date for the film just yet but I'd bank on August sometime.