First Official Look: Tom Hardy As Bane In THE DARK KNIGHT RISES

By Matt Holmes /

Updated yet again: A press release has now also been made available according to The Playlist (though I can't see it guys?) that says Christopher Nolan will be €œutilizing IMAX cameras even more extensively than he did on €˜The Dark Knight€™ (IMAX infinitely better than 3D, so this is great) and that Hans Zimmer is the only composer listed for the score. The music for Batman Begins and The Dark Knight had been a Zimmer co-production with James Newton Howard. Updated again: Before the hundreds and thousands of Batman fans officially unlock the image via twitter responses, Latino Review have got their hands on the full reveal and yes folks, the above image is our first official look at Tom Hardy as the villainous Bane in a promotional shot for The Dark Knight Rises. Looks pretty cool right and just as we thought - Hardy may well have exceeded his Bronson-size for this one. He's bloody huge. Kudos to WB for releasing this image before somebody took an awkward spy shot from the set. Now when can we expect Catwoman? See the image in full after the jump and thanks to OWF reader 'Raj' for the heads-up. Updated: That twitter account has now revealed a pixelated image which I guess will become clearer the more people tweet about it or something? WB did the exact same thing for The Dark Knight and the very first official reveal of The Joker which was debuted in a similar fashion. But who this time? First image of Catwoman or Bane? A further hint at the return of Ra's Al Ghul? Something Bruce Wayne/Batman related? Warner Bros have officially kicked off the viral marketing campaign for next summer's The Dark Knight Rises and if it's anything like The Joker themed last campaign, we have a very cool 12 months to look forward to. An official website for the new film has been launched at (or and although it doesn't show much (the page is blank) if you have audio playing you will hear some chanting. Quickly it was figured out by a member of the SuperHeroHype forums that the audio says "#thefirerises" - so no doubt a twitter campaign. Indeed is an active account.