First Venom Reactions Call It A Ridiculous, Pre-MCU Comic Book Movie

Sony's Spider-Man spin-off is receiving a rather mixed response.

By James Hunt /


With the release of Venom suddenly upon us, the first reactions to the movie have started to appear on social media following the premiere on Monday night.


While the full reviews are still under embargo (itself not a great sign), the reactions on Twitter do give us our first impressions of just what the movie is going to be like, and they're... rather mixed.

The good news is that the movie doesn't sound like the complete disaster a movie about a Spider-Man character without Spidey in it (or Marvel Studios' involvement) could've been, but at the same time, it's far from a home run. We'll obviously know more when the full reviews drop and some more nuanced takes are available, but this is how the early reactions are shaping up.


3. It's Ridiculous - For Better And Worse


Venom IS a slightly ridiculous character (in the way many great comic book figures are), and while it's not clear just how much intent there was, it seems the movie itself is fairly ridiculous too. The trailers suggest a tone that blended dark comedy with body horror, which is one hell of a concotion, and the results are seemingly interesting at the very least.


Others noted that part of the weirdness came from the movie feeling more like an early-00s comic book movie, rather than one of 2018. That's not inherently a bad thing - Spider-Man and X2 were early-00s, after all - but it was before Nolan and the MCU, both of which, in different ways, completely changed the face of superhero movies. So, with its ridiculousness, Venom is something of a throwback.
