Ford talks Indy IV - "I'm fit for the role".

By Matt Holmes /

Every comment we hear from the trio of George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford point towards the fact they want to do an Indiana Jones IV and that they are exicted about doing it. So what's taking them so long to get it done???? Anyway, Harrison Ford himself was been speaking about the project at the Rome Film Festival yesterday where he said this... "We did three films that stay within the same block of time. We need to move on for artistic reasons and obvious physical reasons...I feel fit to continue and bring the same physical action." He went on to say that he believed that the "retired" Sean Connery would jump at the chance to reprise his role as Indy's father but no offer has been made at this time. I guess we keep waiting then for the next big annoucement of how one of the three is exicted about making another Indy movie. Just get the script done guys, how hard can it be? It's not like you haven't wrote a movie before. source - coming soon