UPDATED: FRIDAY THE 13TH teaser poster, with TRAILER!

By Matt Holmes /

UPDATED: Actually I was wrong below. The added trailer footage is just as bad as written, BORING! This movie looks way to Bayified and glossy to be a Friday the 13th picture. Obviously I need a better copy than this to give a full opinion but I hated what I saw here...

END OF UPDATE You know, I've been very critical of the "lazy" film-making movement in the modern day horror genre that has seen almost all of the significant horror films of the 70's and 80's remade or currently being developed for a remake but in truth, films like Rob Zombie's Halloween and Marcus Nispel's remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre are not without merit. Be pissed at them all you like... I know I was and still am, but Nispel's Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of the better slasher films of this decade... if that is really saying much. Rob Zombie's Halloween is probably the third best movie in that long running series and actually made the "The Shape" effective like no-one had for YEARS. Not a patch on the original films yes, but a lot better than the remakes of Asian horror's that are even more frequent right now. It's just annoying these filmmakers hadn't used their talents on movies that were born out of their own material. Which brings us to the Friday the 13th Part I and II remake whose panel at the Con went down yesterday. First up a new teaser poster for the film...

Nothing too much of interest was revealed at the Con for this movie, except that Platinum Dunes would love to do another Freddy/Jason team-up, especially if they could convince Wes Craven to jump on board.

They also mentioned the movie will be stand-alone and not obviously setup as a franchise film and the aim is to make the film 90 minutes in length.


Footage was shown but it didn't sound all that interesting to read about. Better to see it probably...

Teaser footage shown feature Righetti and boyfriend lurking through a dilapidated cabin where they find a bed. On the bed post reads "Jason" - further along they find a hole. The boyfriend peeks in and a machete suddenly tears through the floorboard beneath his feet!

The boyfriend is jerked down into a hole and Righetti goes nuts, screaming her head off. This scene descends into a hellish montage of violence.
source - shock till you drop