Frodo to investigate Oxford Murders

By Matt Holmes /

Elijah Wood will play the lead in Spanish director lex de la Iglesia's English-language mystery The Oxford Murders. He joins the already cast John Hurt, with filming set to start next month in England. Here is the scoop from Coming Soon... "Wood will play a young student who goes to Oxford to study but becomes intrigued by a murder that takes place where he lives. This brings him under the wing of a Sherlock Holmes-style mentor, who uses logic and math symbols to try to stop a series of murders". I know it's a bit early to tell, but does anyone think that Elijah Wood is still struggling to overcome his career defining role in The Lord of the Rings trilogy? Apart from his small role in Sin City, the majority of roles and movies he has taken up since 2003, nobody has been all that interested in seeing. I would hate the guy to go become the next "Mark Hamill", but he hasn't done anything yet to convince me he is going to have a long and successful career, and if I was his agent I would try and get him out of doing all these independent movies because they aren't doing that much for him in the public eye. source - the hollywood reporter, coming soon